Thursday 4 February 2010

change your life easily and effortlessly

Quick Good Fortune
In This Issue...

Quick Good Fortune: "You stand on the brink of great opportunity - if you step in and make it your future."

Hot Topic of the Week: "I think I'm working too hard and not getting anywhere...."

A Quick Good Fortune Insight: So true. Working hard - and "busy, busy, busy" - doesn't get you anywhere but more hard work. Time to chill out. Working smart is a much better idea - yet no one goes in the wrong direction on purpose, do they? So, what happens? You have an old blueprint guiding your life and it's running the show.

"The problems we face today
cannot be solved from the same
level of thinking that created them."

Albert Einstein

Slow down, relax, and consider making internal changes - relieving the stress and inner conflicts -- and then proceeding. Your subconscious has ingenious ways to keep you aligned with the old plan of your life you inherited from your family. Change the old blueprint or you will find yourself back in the same place you were last year. Oh no! YES.

Doing the same things again this year you did last year can only take you back to the same places you were in LAST YEAR.

Spring is a very potent time to plant the seeds you want to harvest in 2010. If you don't weed out the old and start fresh - not much new can break through.

"It's what we learn after we think

we know it all that counts."

Kin Hubbard

Time for something new. Relax and enjoy and consider some new options. Go to the foundation of creativity - energy and vibration. Why? Because at the energy level you can change and influence your life easily. If you wait until the energy or ideas grow into your life and show up as facts and objects ...making changes tough. It is easy to just move stuff around - and not much really changes. Get back to basics where change really happens.

Tune into your thoughts and feelings and your Vision. It is from here you create a fresh new future. Remove the old habits just like weeding a garden. Use what works: Tapping works fast. Allow the success of others to inspire you - try following some new ideas. Laugh - enjoy and play. That break opens your mind to possibilities and you will quickly find what you seek - effortlessly.

Good News!
Free Stuff too.

Follow an expert and learn a few new tricks to link up with a proven path to results.

Good News!
An amazing online event that last year had over 81,000 people in attendance is now open. It's FREE and you get to participate and stay right at home - no travel or inconvenience.

The Tapping World Summit.
If you've not tried Tapping before you're going to be blown away at how powerful it is. If you are familiar with Tapping you'll really enjoy sitting back and letting an expert guide you through well-tested programs. The Tapping Gurus charge a fortune - and you can get the benefit of their expertise FREE. Yes - all 20 programs are free and all offer strategies for major breakthroughs.

See for yourself: Take a look at the video. In the middle of the video you'll see a surprising
clip from the documentary film "The Tapping Solution."

Tapping is a technique that combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology with startling results. Experience it for yourself easily by following a guide.

It's used and recommended by leading experts such as Jack Canfield, Joe Vitale, Cheryl Richardson, Deepok Chopra, Dr. Joseph Mercola and many others.

If you want new beginnings in 2010 - now is the time to act. Create prosperity, clarity, energy focus, better physical and emotional health and much, much more. Sounds hard to believe, isn't it? Find out. Register for this FREE online event.

"They must often change,
who would be constant in
happiness or wisdom."


The Tapping World Summit features some of the top EFT / Tapping practitioners in the world such as Carol Look, Patricia Carrington, Brad Yates, Bob Doyle, Carol fact, there will be over 18 instructors in all with over 20 the experts and free stuff when you sign in.

You can listen to all of the presentations or just a few of them, you get to pick the topics that interest you. So what's the catch? You can listen for free, tap along during the event, enjoy, heal, and take notes. If you want to own a copy of the recordings and transcripts, you can buy one. That's the catch! Decide now what topics you want to do and mark it on your calendar. It's easy to lose track of time.

When you register now you'll also get immediate access to three powerful interviews with Jack Canfield and Joe Vitale who you may recognize from the hit movie "The Secret" and the favorite spokesman for the new Epigenetic facts -- Bruce Lipton, the author of "The Biology of Belief."

Plus you'll get two more audios introducing you to the 2010 Tapping World Summit that will teach you the basics of Tapping so you can immediately start to implement this powerful technique. All FREE.

"The illiterate of the 21st century
will not be those who cannot
read and write, but those who
cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."

Alvin Toffler

This entire month of February is filled with amazing speakers, topics and information. It's a one-of-a- kind event committed to spreading Tapping and the ease of making life changes. You won't find this program anywhere else.

The Tapping World Summit is only ONCE a year - ONLY available in February. Don't miss it. Sign in now ~~ while this offer is still in front of you: You'll be glad you did!

Join together with others and make something fun happen - just because you can.

Fun Stuff

Art can take many forms - and this one is an uses group action to amuse and delight. Are you ready? The No Pants Subway Ride has been done for years in a variety of different cities. It's a communal art improv project - just for the fun of it! They are not organized by one person. Someone loves the idea - and soon there's another one. Imagine the fun over the years through taking part in good natured pranks. How about you?

"Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing,
you will be successful."

Albert Schweitzer

Amazing Stuff

Never underestimate people on a mission. This project grew organically out of one man's Vision. His inspiration created stunning temples - secretly carved underground. Some call this the Eight World Wonder.

"As long as you are going
to be thinking anyway,
think big."

Donald Trump

The community of Damanhur has formed around this amazing feat. What's your Vision? It just might lead to a purpose you have yet to discover - just as this has. It all starts with a Dream.

"The great successful men of the world have used their imaginations... they think ahead and create their mental picture, and the go to work materializing that picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that a bit, but steadily building -- steadily building." Robert Collier

Feeling relaxed and happy is a healthy choice - not to mention the side effect: clarity of purpose.

Delight Yourself

Enjoy a variety of art forms. Photographer, Andrew Zuckerman has a created a new body of work revealing the vivid colors, textures, and personalities of different species of birds - capturing the essence of "bird-ness." "Creatures" is also at this site and is fun too - take a peak.

Flowers growing - time lapse photography - is a Joy! Take time to watch the roses, cactus, iris, lilies and more.... watch them grow, bloom and close for the night...just like in Avatar! What if you are missing the same incredible beauty right here at home - every day - and no 3D glasses needed. Do you look for miracles?

When was the last time you took a nice long slow walk in a beautiful natural setting? Take the time for you to refresh and renew...after all - it really is the journey and NOT the destination.

The White Horse has long been a good luck symbol. There are many more symbols and good luck signs that you probably use without realizing the back-story. Find those that pick up your spirits and open up the possibilities of receiving a miracle.

Imagine going for a ride on the champion El Nabila. See how you feel when you enjoy the power and beauty of the White Horse. Use what works.

"In the real world,
given the lamp of
our understanding
and the genie in
our genes, we
have an unlimited
supply of wishes.

Whatever wishes we
put into the lamp
manifest genetically.

If we fill our lamps
with healing words,
our genes rush to
fulfill our wishes--
within seconds."

Dawson Church, PhD

Reality Check

Take a quick reading of your energy level - your relaxation level - and your emotional level. In a few minutes you have released endorphins, energized your body and cleared your mind. Now tap it in. You can program yourself for more creative expression and opening to miracles and inspiration in just this way. Relaxing experiences become "resource states" you can call on at will.

Sign in for the Tapping World Summit and train your mind-body to respond to life in a way that inspires and enlivens you. Once you do - you will find the path to the lifestyle you hold most dear.

"If we all did the things
we are capable of doing,
we would literally
astound ourselves."

Thomas Edison

Never underestimate your ability to determine your own destiny. You deserve a lifetime of Good Fortune ...and it will feel just as creative and free as you train yourself to experience daily.

Enjoy Good Fortune and miracles,

Cheryl Janecky

Tuesday 2 February 2010


By Dr. Robert Anthony
Creator of Rapid Manifestation Guided Audio

I've never seen anything like it.

Over the past few months I have been swamped with emails from business owners panicking over the economy and wondering how they're going to cope with it.

If you’ve been following the national and global economic news you know that it is not a very encouraging picture. We’ve heard about collapses, bailouts and the possibility of more to come.

The stock market recently experienced the largest single point drop in history. No one knows for sure whether the situation will quickly improve or get worse before it gets better…..

But make no mistake…….

The road to financial success and prosperity in your life and in your business starts in your own mind. Many business people I talk to blame the their current economic situation on the government, the housing market, the stock market, the war in Iraq, high taxes, and countless other factors.

While all of these issues do have an impact on the collective prosperity of the world, they are all inconsequential compared to the most important factor of all…


Why is this important? Because energy flows to where attention goes. Regardless of what type of business you are in or choose to go into, what you focus on will have greatest impact on your business. Now more than ever, it’s important to realize that YOU and YOU ALONE hold the key to YOUR financial success.

In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter what happens to other businesses or how they are affected by the economy. The only thing that matters is what happens inside of YOU.

The fact is, you can still earn a LOT of money and enjoy a wonderful lifestyle regardless of what’s happening in the economy. All it takes is focus, the proper resources and realizing your power to succeed comes from your Rich Mindset.

Speaking of mindset, do you really know what your core beliefs are about making money? Have you ever stopped to examine what is running your life when it comes to your business or career?

Do you believe it’s possible to make money doing what you love? Do you believe, without any doubt whatsoever, that you deserve lots of money and the time to enjoy it?

I’m not just talking about a mental concept here; I’m talking about a deep, whole body, CORE belief. Your mindset is extremely important in starting out in any new venture. But mindset involves much more than just thinking positive thoughts. You have to operate from a deep well of positive core beliefs.

Sometimes we think that we are doing everything right and have a great attitude only to realize that we spend a lot of time in what I call F.D.W. -- fear, doubt and worry.

If you have never stopped to examine which beliefs are running you, then you are not creating your life consciously. The problem is that most people are sleepwalking through life trying to find loving relationships, meaningful work, successful careers, businesses and the money to enjoy the fine things in life, but they have not developed the corresponding mindset to do it. In fact, instead of attracting the things they desire, they very often sabotage themselves due to their unconscious, negative core beliefs.

If you want to attract real riches into your life and business – including money – you need to deeply understand and apply the principles of conscious creation. "Thoughts are things" is a statement that has been around for a long time. Science is now beginning to prove that this is absolutely true!

Conscious creation in a nutshell says that what you believe to be true is true for you. Read it again! It does not say that what you say is true, it says what you believe is true. This goes way beyond just slapping a positive thought on top of a
negative belief. In simple terms, you attract what you expect out of life and what you expect is based on what you believe at the core level.

Opportunites Are Always Available

Here is the real secret – regardless of the economy, opportunities are always available to turn our ideas into cash. Despite the economy many people are still making a lot of money. There’s no reason why you can’t be one of them.
How can you do this?

#1 Start Your Own Business

If one of your goals in life is to achieve wealth and financial independence, one of the quickest and surest ways to achieve those results is through owning a business of your own. Period. Believe it or not, a recession can actually be a wonderful time to start a new business venture. I can tell you right now that some of the most profitable businesses were started during a recession. The owners simply addressed a need during an economic downturn which continued
to be successful even when the economy rebounded.

Starting a business in a recession is like vacationing in the off-season. It’s a little less crowded, and everything starts going on sale. It allows you to tap into new markets, launching new products that will serve the needs of the current economy and build a business for the future.

#2 Pay Close Attention to What You Think and Say

During tough times, it’s easy to get into the habit of thinking negative thoughts and making negative comments. Constantly thinking and talking about what is wrong with your life, your business or the economy will only serve to bring you more of what you focus on. Before you know it, you’ll end up in one of those self-fulfilling prophecies we talked about earlier.

Stay informed, but don’t keep repeating what you hear on the news. Remember, energy flows to where attention goes. By focusing on what you want instead of what you don’t want, you’ll also do wonders for your creative thinking. Creative thinking allows you to come up with solutions to your problems. It also allows you to see new opportunities. One of the biggest downsides to being in a negative frame of mind and focusing on what you don’t want is that it blinds you to opportunities.

#3 Invest In Yourself

Investing in yourself is more secure and more rewarding than owning stocks, bonds or real estate. Moneymaking ideas are everywhere. If you act fast on them, you can prosper fast. Don't simply entrust your money to others to make money for you -- have faith in your own ideas and take control of your own financial future.

The more you expand your awareness and education, the more you will be able to see opportunities to make more money. The more you invest in yourself -- the better the return you'll get when you take action on what you learned.

#4 Understand that Scarcity is a function of the mind; so is Abundance

The choice is always yours. Are you going to focus on scarcity or the lack of something or are you going to focus on creating more of what you want? These are your only two options. Instead of focusing on cutting back and spending less, change your point of focus to create MORE of what you want. Use that same creative energy to attract the things you desire and to improve your life and your business.

And finally...

# 5 Start appreciating what you already have!

If you really take stock of all the things you do have in your life, I bet you will be amazed. Too often people focus on what’s missing in their lives and as a result, they ignore the riches they do have; a place to live, a car to drive, a job, career or business, a great family, a loving spouse, wonderful children, fantastic pets, loyal friends and the freedom to create whatever they desire.

Every so often someone will write to me and tell me how desperate things are for them. Since I’ve been there myself at one time, I can surely sympathize. But I always point out the same thing…

How bad is it – really?

For example, how bad can it really be if you have enough to eat? Many people around the world have had nothing to eat in days….

How bad can it really be if you are sitting at a computer and writing me an email? Some people around the world don’t even have electricity to run a computer, let alone own a computer.

Ask yourself: how bad is it -- really?

As difficult as you current situation may be, it is only temporary. There are millions of people all around the world would trade places with you in a heartbeat.
The good news is if things are not going your way at the moment this entrapped cyclical experience is only here to give you a warning that your POINT OF FOCUS in going in the wrong direction.

When you feel grateful you automatically place yourself in alignment for more good things to come into your life. It also opens the doorway to your mind. Only when it’s open, can opportunity jump in. Consistent gratitude is the easiest track to ending poverty internally and externally. When your abundance is measured by how deeply you FEEL grateful for what you already have and how often you visit this feeling, then your experience of attracting riches is truly unstoppable. This is
the most direct path to financially magnetizing massive abundance and success.

Your Financial Destiny is in Your Own Hands

Remember, the road to abundance and prosperity begins in your own mind. Money is unlimited because your mind is unlimited. Stay focused on opportunity. Because at the end of the day, it’s not the financial "experts" or politicians who are ultimately responsible for your financial situation, it’s you and you alone

Listen, I am NOT a wishful thinker. I’m a REALIST and the reality is that there ARE some economic challenges that we ALL have to deal with…. That’s a FACT…

Many people have had to deal with their fair share of money problems this past year… That’s a FACT….

Some businesses are going through a hard time and need to adjust. That’s a FACT…..

We ALL go through these things at one point or another. It’s part of the natural cycle of things.

But here are some more FACTS….

History shows that people can prosper even in the worse economic downturn.
There is never a shortage of new ideas and opportunities.
Thousands new businesses will be started and these business owners will make a fortune.
The Internet has opened up the world to a whole new realm of possibilities. Ordinary people can now turn hobbies and side businesses into lucrative money-making ventures like never before.
I could go on and on….

Do you get the point? It all depends on where you FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION!
There really ARE no limits. Possibilities are endless and everywhere…oftentimes right under our own noses. The key is you cannot follow the crowd. You have to zig, while others zag.


What can you do today, better and more profitably than yesterday? All it takes is one simple idea to transform a life of mediocrity into one of GREATNESS. We're living in interesting times that require more creativity. The question is -- What will you do differently?

The fact is, you are ONE IDEA away from your greatest opportunity, regardless of your personal financial situation or the economic climate. Circumstances may "appear" tougher during uncertain economic times, but in reality, there is never a shortage of opportunities to succeed. When you truly develop a Rich Mindset these
opportunities will show up in your life. And when they do show up, you have to act on them immediately!

Start taking some ACTION right NOW, even if it is just one small step. And remember…….

Your thoughts will become your words.
Your words will become your actions.
Your actions will become your habits.
Your habits will become you character.
Your character will become your destiny.
Dr. Robert Anthony is the author of 15 best-selling books and the creator of the Rapid Manifestation Audio Program.

ALSO BY DR. ROBERT ANTHONY: The Disease of Self-Improvement


P.S. The Easiest, Most Effective Way to Manifest Your Desires as Quickly as Possible!

After reviewing dozens of programs over the past few years, Dr. Robert Anthony's Rapid Manifestation Audio Program is still my favorite Mind Power tool available on the web today. This incredible program is by far the easiest way for you to accomplish any goal you desire.

The best thing about this program is that it's simple and fast! Just pick the next goal you wish to accomplish and let the guided audio do the rest. A simple 12-minute mind programming technique done every day will magically attract what you want. Through my own testing I've found that the only way this method will not work is if you stop using it. So get it, use it, and thank me later!

Learn more about the
Rapid Manifestation Guided Audio MP3 here...